I have had some fun lately, trying out all the lovely coloring techniques I have learned. There was nothing better that the Sweet Pea images to work with. Here is an example of the beautiful images over at Sweet Pea.
While updating this blog I have seen so many more digi stamps I must have lol.
While updating this blog I have seen so many more digi stamps I must have lol.
If you see any images that take your fancy head on over to Sweet Pea Stamps now, they will be closing on 25th (Today)
I have been buying everything I could while still available.
I have been buying everything I could while still available.
This one is "Moon Owl" by Norma Blundell
(no longer available at Sweet Pea Stamps.)
(no longer available at Sweet Pea Stamps.)
"Fae of the Secret Garden" is another of the talented Gabrielle Szabo's work.
by Janna Prosvirina, another talented artist.
2. Holley's Blog http:// holleybarnhartsblog.blogspot.co m
3. Colleen Dewis http:// stressedisjustdessertsbackwards .blogspot.ca/
4. Suzi Baker McKenzie http:// suzannebakermckenzie.blogspot.c om
5. Cindy van Oorschot http:// cmvanoorschot.blogspot.ca
6. Vannessa Hasty http:// www.saffiresstamping.blogspot.c o.uk/
7. Barb Poole http:// www.abarbcardblog.blogspot.ca/
8. Pat Martin http:// patacakespages.blogspot.com
9. Debbie Ebat http:// debbiesstampingadventures.blogs pot.com
10. Olivia Rivera-Marmara http:// www.ormcraftynights.blogspot.co m
11. Winnie A Ludvigsen http:// norwayscrapper.blogspot.no/
12. Tera Thelma Borer- Fujan http:// www.stampqueen.blogspot.com
13. Susan Salyer http:// lilyandthelotus.blogspot.com
14. Danni Bindel http:// dannisdreamscrafts.blogspot.com /
15. Denise Pustelniak http:// thruthelookingglass-glassgraffi tix2.blogspot.com/
16. Samantha Aguilera http:// designsbysammy.blogspot.com/
17. Angelique Engeldesignsscrap http:// engeldesignsscrap.blogspot.nl/
18. Sharon Rogers Http:// sharonshowcase.blogspot.com
19. Ann Cutts http:// craftworkblog.blogspot.co.uk/
20. Hilde Larsen http://tindaloo.blogspot.com
21. Jane Bradshaw http:// www.craftyanimal.blogspot.com
22. Jennifer Scull http:// justcoffeepleasestampsribbonspa per.blogspot.com/
23. Margaret Ashby http:// www.granmargaret.blogspot.com.a u/
24. Michele Storms Http:// artfromthewell.blogspot.com
25. Ria ZonneStraaltje http:// dragonmagicscrapkaarten.blogspo t.nl/
26. Margo Davis http:// cardsbymargo.blogspot.com
26. Kathi Rerek http://kathstales.blogspot.com
28. Aletha Jane http://ajsdesigns.blogspot.com
29. Christina Gudgeon http:// craftieangel.blogspot.com.au/